Dear Sentry,
I'm in an odd mood! So to celebrate that I thought I'd write about some of my oddities, numbering in no particular order:
1. My ideal footwear is one sock on one foot and no sock on the other. I feel off-balance until I am wearing my socks like that but think others doing it is weird.
2. When making blog posts, if I have pictures I have to have both men and women or else I feel like my post isn't complete.
3. An old roommate used to refer to me as the "spiritual atheist."
4. I am a night owl and a morning person :(
5. I love to hug and touch people but do not like it when someone else tries to hug or touch me first
5a. there are a strange few people that I don't freak out when they touch me...there's no rhyme or reason behind why particularly them.
6. I love being interrupted in my work by little kids and pestered by friends.
7. If you break my heart, I will hate you for it but will swallow my pain and anger to help you out on anything.
8. I absolutely hate having people do anything for me if it's out of obligation. I have been known to cancel dates, hanging out with friends, and given people excuses to get out of doing anything for my birthday just to avoid being in a situation where the other person feels they are obligated to be with me.
9. I love to debate pointless things.
10. I think it's cute when a dog licks a person's face but will never let the dog lick my face.
11. I love "Your mom" and "That's what she said" jokes.
12. I love teddy bears but only from the Gund company thanks to my little brother.
13. I will cry over random things.
14. Lastly: I love, love, LOVE sushi!!!
I hope you have a good day, Sentry :)
Your friend,
Five Years Out
9 years ago